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Investigații 26 decembrie 2021

ZTE, Huawei's very poor brother

ZTE Romania's Facebook photos are as old as 2014 (source: Facebook/ZTE Romania)
ZTE Romania's Facebook photos are as old as 2014 (source: Facebook/ZTE Romania)

Huawei's very poor brother, ZTE România SRL, is owned, according to “The Official Gazette”, by “ZHONGXING COMMUNICATION (also known as ZTE CORPORATION, in English transliteration)”, as sole shareholder.

The telecommunications company has solid business relations with national data and voice operators (such as RCS RDS, for example) and a greater role in the region than other ZTE representatives.

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According to an announcement made by the company, ZTE opened a service centre for monitoring the telecom networks of 23 European states and has invested, until the end of 2015, a total of 100 million euros in development.

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