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Investigații 03 ianuarie 2022

The electric vehicles from Hungary

The Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd (source: byd.com)
The Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd (source: byd.com)

BYD Auto Co. Ltd. is an automotive subsidiary of the Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd, which is based in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

It was founded in 2003, following the acquisition by the BYD Company of Tsinchuan Automobile Company.

The Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd

The company produces automobiles, buses, electric bicycles, forklifts, rechargeable batteries and trucks. The Denza brand, a joint venture with Daimler AG, produces luxury electric cars.

BYD Auto Company Ltd is the largest electric bus manufacturer in the world.

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In 2016, it built a factory in the town of Komárom in north-western Hungary. BYD Co Ltd established in 2002 BYD Electronic (International) Company Limited, a subsidiary which produced handset components and assembled mobile phones for Nokia and Motorola, with production bases both inside and outside of China.

There were three factories outside China: one in Cluj, Romania; a Komárom, Hungary, production base, that was open following the February 2008 purchase of Mirae Hungary Industrial Manufacturer Ltd; and a Chennai, India, base.

Hungary and Romania

In addition, BYD Electronic has production bases in Huizhou, Tianjin, and at Baolong Industrial Park, Longgang District, Shenzhen.

The factory in Hungary has been closed and today the factory is producing electric buses instead of handset components.

As for the factory in Romania, it was closed in 2009. BYD Electronics Romania was to invest € 60 million at Nokia Village, near Cluj and to hire, in the first instance, 500 people. Basically, the construction of the factory was not even completed.

However, the Chinese electric car manufacturer BYD has also officially entered the Romanian market through the Israeli importer New Kopel Car Import, part of SIXT Group Romania.

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