
Care sunt afacerile Chinei în România

Ambițiile de putere globală ale Chinei nu mai sunt doar intenții. În ultimele trei decenii, imperiul condus de Xi Jinping s-a extins pe toate continentele, într-o formă sau alta. Iar economia a jucat un rol major. Care sunt afacerile Chinei în România

An honest business: tools and other devices

Tools and other devices: Honest General Trading SRL, a company owned by two Chinese citizens (Zhang Dong & Chen Changhong), operates on the Romanian market for 25 years and its figures rise from one year to another. Tools and other devices for

Constanța, safe harbour for COSCO

Constanța, safe harbour for COSCO: the Chinese giant shipping corporation is represented by two companies in Romania. One of them is called COSCO Romanian Shipping and Trading SRL and its sole shareholder is the company COSCO Europe GmbH Hamburg. Constanța, safe harbour

COFCO, the billionaire grain trader

Until 2017, the company now called COFCO International România SRL was called Nidera România SRL. But one year before, the grain trader Nidera, owned by a Dutch family, became 100% the property of COFCO (prior, COFCO had bought 51% of Nidera for

Ilfov, the traditional Chinese trade base

Chinese trade is made in Ilfov. Traditionally, Ilfov county is the base of Chinese companies having trading businesses in Romania: from clothing and footwear to sanitary equipment and machinery. Chinese trade is made in Ilfov In Afumați, a locality in Ilfov, ten

F&J, the story of a Chinese business ghost

The Chinese group F&J has been present in Romania for over 20 years. AT least according to their own website: “F&J Europe, part of F&J Group, began operation on Romania market in the mid 90′s, forming one of the group’s strongest profit