
Klaus Iohannis apreciază disponibilitatea Franței de a trimite trupe în România

România mulțumește Franței pentru trupe, prin vocea președintelui Klaus Iohannis, care s-a întâlnit, joi, la Palatul Cotroceni, cu ministrul Forţelor Armate din Republica Franceză, Florence Parly. Administraţia Prezidenţială arată într-un comunicat că, în cadrul întrevederii, au fost abordate subiecte referitoare la stadiul Parteneriatului Strategic dintre România şi Franţa şi perspectivele de dezvoltare a acestuia, cu accent pe componenta de apărare, agenda NATO şi cea a Uniunii Europene, precum şi pe evoluţiile recente în plan securitar din regiunea Mării Negre. Potrivit sursei citate, preşedintele Iohannis a apreciat evoluţia şi rezultatele foarte bune ale cooperării bilaterale dintre ţara noastră şi Franţa în


Dîncu, ministrul Apărării, încurajează discuția despre ieșirea României din UE

Dîncu încurajează tema RO EXIT și consideră că este necesară o dezbatere despre ieșirea României din UE. Argumentul ministrului Apărării dintr-un stat UE: „trebuie sa reincepem sa dezbatem idei, chiar dacă sunt aberante din punctul nostru de vedere”. Vasile Dîncu a devenit ministru al Apărării în guvernul Ionel Ciucă la finalul lui 2021. La 1 ianuarie 2022, România a aniversat 15 ani de prezență în Uniunea Europeană, ca membru cu puteri depline. Dîncu încurajează tema RO EXIT Însă, din punctul de vedere al lui Dîncu, lucrurile nu ar fi neapărat bune pentru România. Într-o postare pe Facebook, ministrul de azi

China Development Bank: high expectations, low figures

China Development Bank is a Chinese state-owned development bank established in 1994 and led by a cabinet minister at the Governor level, under the direct jurisdiction of the State Council. Since the beginning of the 2000s, China Development Bank has been interested in the Romanian banking market and has analyzed the possibility of opening a branch in Romania. especially since the Chinese bank prefers to grant long-term loans and especially for infrastructure projects. China Development Bank in Romania Then, in 2013, Romania’s ambassador to Beijing at the time, Doru Costea, said the Chinese bank could open a branch in Bucharest.

The electric vehicles from Hungary

BYD Auto Co. Ltd. is an automotive subsidiary of the Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd, which is based in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. It was founded in 2003, following the acquisition by the BYD Company of Tsinchuan Automobile Company. The Chinese multinational BYD Co Ltd The company produces automobiles, buses, electric bicycles, forklifts, rechargeable batteries and trucks. The Denza brand, a joint venture with Daimler AG, produces luxury electric cars. BYD Auto Company Ltd is the largest electric bus manufacturer in the world. Also read: No social-democrats in power, no success for China In 2016, it built a factory in the town

5G to Huawei? Romania: no way!

No way for Huawei in Romania? The Chinese group Huawei operates in Romania through Huawei Technologies SRL, a company entirely owned by Huawei Technologies Cooperatief UA from the Netherlands. The company’s annual revenue increased during the last three years, according to data from the Ministry of Finances. 2016: RON 1.27 billion (over EUR 280 million) with a profit exceeding RON 36 million, approximately EUR 8 million. 2017: RON 1.4 billion (over EUR 310 million) with a profit exceeding RON 20 million, approx. EUR 4.5 million. 2018: RON 1.9 billion (over EUR 420 million) with a profit exceeding RON 36 million,

Smoking is not good for the financial health of China Tobacco

China Tobacco International Europe Company SRL (registered in Ilfov) is owned by companies registered in China. Which are as follows: China Tobacco Anhui Industrial Corporation (62%), Hongta Tobacco Group Co Ltd (Trust) (25,6%) and China Tobacco Shaanxi Industrial Co. Ltd. (12,3%). Big investment in China Tobacco International Europe Company SRL According to the company’s website, “China Tobacco International Europe Company, hereinafter referred as CTIEC is the only manufacturing plant of China National Tobacco cigarettes in Europe and so far the largest investment project in Romania owned by the Chinese government. In the CTIEC project of foundation from Romania, the Chinese

Romania: no social-democrats in power, no success for China

The close relations with China were established during Romania’s communist period (1945 – 1989). As would be expected from an ideological point of view, the successor of the Romanian Communist Party, namely today’s Social Democratic Party, has been more sensible to the connection with the great Asian power than the politicians in Bucharest with other ideological orientations. Iliescu & Năstase The first wave of Chinese business came over the young Romanian capitalism in the ’90, when Romania was led by Ion Iliescu, a former member of the Romanian Communist Party led by Nicolae Ceaușescu until his execution, in December 1989.

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