SAGA Festival, „țeapă” cu Nicki Minaj: vedeta americană care ar fi trebuit să concerteze duminică, în ultima zi a festivalului, nu a mai venit.
SAGA Festival, „țeapă” cu Nicki Minaj
Organizatorii au anunțat asta chiar duminică seara, puțin după ora 21.00, într-o postare pe Facebook:
„Heartbreaking News
It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce Nicki Minaj has just cancelled her performance due to concerns for her and her team’s well-being in Romania. „Out of concern for the well-being of our team and myself, I have been advised by my security detail not to travel to Romania,” she said. This has nothing to do with SAGA, and is beyond our powers.
The news has left us all devastated, and we know it’s a huge disappointment for all of you, just as it is for us.
All the unscanned 1-day Sunday tickets will be refunded.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time. We appreciate your patience and will provide further updates as soon as possible.
Postarea conține și o captură de ecran a tweet-ului postat de Nicki Minaj pe contul său.
Out of concern for the well-being of our team and myself, I have been advised by my security detail not to travel to Romania’s festival tonight due to safety concerns regarding protests in the area. I look forward to seeing you all at another time. As a mom, I have to make sure…
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) July 7, 2024
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