Chinese trade is made in Ilfov. Traditionally, Ilfov county is the base of Chinese companies having trading businesses in Romania: from clothing and footwear to sanitary equipment and machinery.
Chinese trade is made in Ilfov
In Afumați, a locality in Ilfov, ten companies had revenues of 287 million lei (64 million euros) in the fiscal year 2018, the most important being Everpro International Construction SRL (with revenues of 86.2 million lei – 19 million euros, which sells bathroom sanitary ware and installations) and Giant Star SRL (with revenues of 81 million lei – 18 million euros, which sells doors and accessories).
Also read: No social-democrats in power, no success for China
In Voluntari and Fundeni, other two localities in this county, six companies have had in 2018 total annual revenues of almost 117 million lei (26 million euros), the most important company being Plastic Recycling Export SRL, which operates in the field of sanitation, and which had revenues of 45.9 million lei (10 million euros).
In Hunedoara, the county in which the Eurosport DHS bicycle factory is located, there are three wood processing companies (RO XI Wood Systems SRL and Ecowood Enterprises SRL in Orăștie, Damias AS SRL in Brad) owned by Chinese citizens. Together, they had total revenues of 53.7 million lei (12 million euros) in 2018.
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