Lukașenko pune armament nuclear pe avioane. Preşedintele Belarusului, Aleksandr Lukaşenko, a declarat vineri că avioanele de luptă SU-24 belaruse au fost reconfigurate pentru a putea transporta armament nuclear, relatează Reuters.
Lukașenko pune armament nuclear pe avioane
Într-o declaraţie pentru presă, Lukaşenko a explicat că această decizie a fost agreată anterior cu preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin.
Belarusul nu are propriile arme nucleare, însă este un aliat al Rusiei şi a permis ca teritoriul său să fie folosit pentru invazia rusă din Ucraina.
Potrivit agenției Belta, „Aleksandr Lukashenko said: <They have to understand that no helicopters or aircraft will save them if they decide to aggravate the situation. Putin and I once said in St Petersburg that we will refit Belarusian Sukhoi aircraft among other things so that they could carry nuclear weapons. Do you think we talk nonsense? Everything is ready! This is why may they bring it.>
Amenințări dure de la Minsk
Aleksandr Lukashenko went on saying: <They should think about it. I’d warned them: if god forbid some serious provocation against Belarus happens, our targets have been locked in. Decision-making centers. We know them. I don’t threaten anyone. This is why you don’t have to worry. They keep an eye on us while we keep an eye on them.
I should honestly say that they are not whipping up tensions at the border right now. Not everyone in Poland is a madman after all: [Poland President Andrzej] Duda may have gone crazy but the military are no fools, they understand what the response may be. They’ve built this wall. Now they can see that it offers no protection against migrants. A migrant needs three minutes to get past the wall. Why did they invest in it? We guessed it right: graft and corruption.
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They pocketed some money and spent some on building the wall. A useless endeavor. But the military understand perfectly well: relations with Belarus must not be aggravated because it also means aggravating relations with the Union State of Belarus and Russia that has nuclear weapons. If they start making problems, Belarus may be worse off but the answer will be instantaneous.>”
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